About our Local Plan

We legally have to produce a Local Plan that lasts for 15 years from the date it's formally adopted.

Development targets are set nationally by the government. We plan to meet development needs as the population grows to make sure there is enough:

  • land for housing
  • homes
  • jobs
  • services for residents.

The Local Plan sets out:

  • a framework for where development can take place
  • areas that need to be protected such as key areas for wildlife.

What our Local Plan is about

Our Local Plan is about helping Medway to grow sustainably. This includes finding a balance between the need for development of homes and jobs and protecting the environment. 

We consider a variety of issues including:

  • protecting the environment
  • addressing climate change
  • improving transport choices
  • growing local businesses
  • improving our community facilities.

The Local Plan affects everyone. We want to hear from all residents in Medway about what's important to ensure sustainable growth in Medway up to 2041. 

Our Local Plan and the environment

We want to look after our local environment, including addressing issues such as clean air and protection from flood risk.

Having a clear strategy is important for:

  • addressing climate change
  • strengthening natural environmental assets. 

The Local Plan plays an important role in balancing our development needs with the protection of our environment and minimising environmental impacts.

This includes:

  • encouraging new developments to be energy and water efficient
  • protecting greenspaces to support wildlife.

Housing in Medway

Our population in Medway is growing. We know that people are finding it difficult to buy or rent their first home, and we want people to have the option to stay and work. We need to make sure we have the right types of homes to suit everyone. 

The Local Plan will set the needs for affordable homes and will help a range of people find somewhere to live locally.

It also includes those with specific accommodation needs, such as:

  • older people
  • people with disabilities
  • people needing specialist support. 

How many homes we need

We need 1,658 new homes a year to keep up with how Medway's population is forecast to grow. This is a total of nearly 28,000 between now and 2041. 

Our Local Plan will provide a strategy for how we can do this sustainably.

Housing developments

New housing developments will focus on:

  • getting the character right
  • providing a high-quality style of home that complements the area
  • providing a variety of properties to reflect what our communities need.

What happens if we do not have a Local Plan

Having no Local Plan does not stop development. We're vulnerable to speculative development, that's not planned as a part of wider change. With a plan, we can look at:

  • what infrastructure is needed
  • where to support new housing. 

By having a Local Plan it:

  • ensures sustainable growth across Medway
  • strengthens our ability to challenge planning applications that do not suit Medway's needs or residents. 


Along with new housing developments, it's important the right infrastructure and facilities are available. This includes:

  • better public transport
  • improved roads
  • new schools and surgeries
  • better green spaces such as parks.