Previous stages of Local Plan preparation

On this page, you can view:

Issues and options

In January and February 2016, we consulted on the Issues and Options document which is the first stage of preparing a new Local Plan.

View the feedback and responses from the consultation

Development options

The second formal stage of the preparation of the new Local Plan was a consultation carried out between 16 January and 30 May 2017 on Development Options. This built on the work carried out in the Issues and Options stage.

The Development Options consultation document was presented to Medway Council’s cabinet on 20 December 2016 and provided a draft vision for Medway in 2035, setting out emerging approaches to policies which would address the key issues facing Medway’s communities, economy and environment.

To consider how development land could be allocated across Medway, it also set out a range of scenarios that could provide a basis for Medway’s development up to 2035.

Read the development options documents.

Read the responses to the development options consultation.

Development strategy consultation

We prepared a development strategy technical report as the next stage in preparing our new Local Plan for Medway along with our Medway 2035 document. The report set out the ambitions for the plan, options for how Medway could grow and draft policies for managing development, building on work carried out at previous stages of consultation on Medway’s emerging Local Plan.

This document was consulted on between 16 March and 25 June 2018.

View our development strategy documents.

Read the responses to the development strategy consultation.

Setting the direction for Medway 2040

We consulted in autumn 2023 on:

  • the vision and strategic objectives for the new Local Plan
  • options for development across Medway.

The consultation ran from 18 September to 31 October 2023. 
