What we want to achieve

To invest in our existing natural environment, focusing on projects that store carbon, increase climate change resilience, improve air quality, and increase the presence of wildlife and plants.

How we will do this

We have set out a range of actions for how Medway can respond to the climate emergency. These range from actions that the council will take to lead by example, to those that will support the community to act.


tree iconDevelop a tree strategy and action plan, setting clear actions and targets.

single tree iconIncrease the numbers of trees in Medway to support climate resilience, making sure there are opportunities for the community to get involved.

plant iconIncrease the number of naturalised verges on council owned land by 10 sites during 2022 to 2023.

carbon sinks iconIdentity habitat areas within Medway for protection as carbon sinks and wildlife habitats. This should include both terrestrial and marine habitats.

calculator iconWork in partnership to develop a common method for calculating the amount of carbon being offset by nature-based solutions, and apply a carbon calculator equation to all Medway owned land.

document iconSecure high quality green spaces for new developments within the new Local Plan.

landscape iconEnsure the Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) programme and other regeneration programmes include the creation of green open spaces providing benefits to both local community and wildlife.

Combat climate change

Only together can we combat climate change. Find out what you can do to take action.

Take action