What we want to achieve
To increase awareness of climate change issues, to engage those who live, study or work in Medway in decision making, and to support community action to see positive change. We also want to provide regular updates on our progress against this action plan.
How we will do this
We have set out a range of actions for how Medway can respond to the climate emergency. These range from actions that the council will take to lead by example, to those that will support the community to act.
In our Refreshed Climate Change Action Plan, we highlighted 15 actions that were a priority to support our journey to net-zero. The following actions were marked as a priority:
Improve the way the council communicates about discount and energy grant schemes available to businesses and residents (including those offered by the Local Authority Delivery scheme). This will include those who are struggling to pay their bills, on a low income and are vulnerable to living in a cold home due to age or health conditions. We will ensure that information is available both online and by telephone.
Develop and deliver energy efficiency, renewable energy awareness campaign to private homeowners and landlords.
Examples of other actions we will be taking:
Engage with the Medway Place Board and Medway Champions to develop awareness and explore joint opportunities to achieve net zero carbon targets.
Explore opportunities to engage further with young people.
Promote campaigns to reduce resident's environmental impact including delivery of regular bursts of the 'Small Changes' campaign through the year, focusing on how individuals can reduce their carbon footprint and support national awareness days. Consider in line with Kent Green Action.
Support local climate change and eco community groups via the new Community Network to help build resilient communities.
Work with parish councils to encourage them to adopt climate champions and work with us on common goals.
Explore how we can support our communities to manage climate anxiety.
Review responses to school survey, and develop and implement actions to support the climate agenda.
Our progress so far
- We have created an engagement strategy for 2025.
- In the 2023 to 2024 academic year, we supported 8 schools to achieve accreditation through the national Eco-Schools
programme by fully funding their accreditation fees. This funding was made possible by ring-fencing income from s106 fees paid by property developers. - During 2023, we are running the 23-community action campaign. Community-led action is an opportunity for communities to shape the
things that are important to them with a common purpose and can also be important in addressing inequalities. Our posts focus on how to drive change across a range of topics, from green energy to local circular economies. - From May 2022 to July 2022, we released a Climate Change Action Plan survey, to find out the public’s
thoughts on climate change in Medway. Read the results of the survey and find out what we are doing in response. - The Climate Response team is now equipped to attend events in Medway to speak to the public about climate change, the Climate Change Action Plan and what they can be doing.
- A climate change volunteering day for staff has been launched to support the delivery of the Climate Change Action Plan.
- A sustainable warmth officer was appointed at the end of June 2022 to improve the way the Council communicates about discount and energy grant schemes available to residents.
- We have contributed towards an LGA guidance document for reporting on supply chain emissions associated with social care provisions. It includes several successful case studies where Medway Council has influenced a reduction in carbon emissions, for example by encouraging providers to better plan staff rounds that make the most of their staff's locations and availability, resulting in an increase in walking and bike rounds. The case studies also feature on our Medway Care Portal which is now regularly updated with information and guidance on taking climate action.
- The 'Small Changes' public information campaign, which focuses on how individuals can reduce their carbon footprint, is now incorporated as a core duty into the Communications and Engagement Strategy.
- Social media accounts have been set up to have a specific eco/climate change following.
- The council webpages have been redesigned to include tailored information for residents, businesses, community organisations, landlords, schools, universities and visitors, explaining what they can do to help lower their carbon footprint and the support that is available to help them.
- A climate change e-newsletter is issued regularly. We have seen a 46% rise in sign-ups between June 2021 and December 2021, with a total of 937 subscribers.
- We have established a good presence on climate change action in every edition of Medway Matters.
- We have continued to support the KM Green School Awards. In 2021, 10 schools in Medway were recognised for their green achievements.
- Climate change questions were included in the most recent Citizen’s Panel and the responses are being used to inform future engagement.
- Communications campaigns to encourage recycling and reduce waste, such as the 'Sort It Right' campaign, have been promoted at various roadshows, school and college talks, and with other community groups. A recycling campaign offered residents the opportunity to bring along small electrical items for recycling and reuse. The scheme was successful, and a comparative campaign will be run during 2022 to 2023.
- We attended and supported Medway Youth Council’s annual conference, about climate change, in November 2019. We appointed a representative from the Medway Youth Council to become a member of our Climate Change Member Advisory Board.
- We have appointed a climate response engagement officer, who will be dedicated to ensuring that everyone can engage with climate action.
Read all the actions
To read all the actions in our plan:
- go back to the Climate Change Action Plan summary home page
- download our priority actions for our refreshed Action Plan 2022
- download full Climate Change Action Plan
- download full Climate Change Action Plan - accessible version
- download simplified Climate Change Action Plan.
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