There are many support services that can help you or someone you love to:
- deal with feelings of loneliness
- get advice on loneliness
- make new connections.
Support available
Help available includes:
Befriending and companion services
Befriending Networks
Befriending Networks offers the opportunity to:
- volunteer and become a befriender
- find a befriender.
Find out more about Befriending Networks.
Chatty Cafe Scheme
This scheme has cafes and other venues who have signed up to have a Chatter and Natter table. Customers can sit and socialise with others and make new friends.
Ramblers Association
The association has information on local walking groups in your area.
Re-engage offers a call companion service for older people who:
- live alone
- would enjoy a friendly phone call every week or 2.
Royal Voluntary Service
This service provide practical help and companionship to people who need it the most.
Find out more about the Royal Voluntary Service.
Volunteering Matters
You can find out information about how to find volunteering opportunities near you.
Find a volunteering opportunity
Medway Voluntary Action Activities and Opportunities
Use the online directory to find activities and opportunities in Medway.
Find volunteering activities and opportunities in Medway
Everyday Active Kent
Find opportunities to become more active in Medway with local group walks. The walks are led by a trained volunteer and are for people with:
- a low level of activity
- a long term health condition.
Our walks are:
- free and welcoming
- accessible.
Support for older people
Age UK
Age UK offer support and advice for older people including:
- home care services
- day care services
- good day calls
- activities and events.
Find support available at Age UK
Friends of the Elderly (FotE)
FotE offer year round support that includes:
- care homes
- day care services
- grants for older people on low incomes.
The Silver Line
The Silver Line offers a free confidential helpline that's open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The helpline can provide:
- information
- friendship
- advice to older people.
Find out more about The Silver Line
University of the Third Age (u3a)
U3a offers older people a chance to learn or do something new that interests them.