The place where we live affects our health, well-being and happiness, and residents young and old often tell us that safety and cleanliness in Medway are their priorities.
We know that Medway residents do not want littering, fly tipping or untidy streets with the impact these can have on their quality of life. We will work hard to ensure that we can all enjoy our public open and green spaces.
Our Climate Change Action Plan, which sets out our journey to net zero by 2050, is already seeing positive results in Medway and we want to work with community groups to drive this work in the coming years as we all have our part to play.
We want to ensure residents can enjoy a wellconnected and sustainable travel system across Medway. We will enable increased walking and cycling networks and work with partners to ensure an integrated, accessible, safe and sustainable public transport system across Medway and beyond.
We want people to feel safe when out on the streets of Medway and have been working hard with local agencies to improve safety on our streets and this will continue with our new Community Wardens.
- Create child-friendly communities which ensure all people in Medway will feel safe and live free from harm and abuse
- Celebrating the individuality of all parts of the Medway community, ensuring services, events and activities reflect and support the diverse communities of Medway
- Provide improved opportunities to walk, cycle, use public transport and electric vehicles, reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality
- Engage Medway’s residents in ensuring Medway is clean and well maintained
- Protect and enhance Medway’s river, green spaces and environmental assets as a means of effectively tackling climate change
- Develop and facilitate easy-to-use and simple digital solutions for residents to access services and engage with the public sector.