A better Medway
Published: Monday, 12th June 2023

During Loneliness Awareness Week, we are encouraging residents to find out more about the fantastic range of activities and groups on offer across Medway to help them feel more connected.

Loneliness Awareness Week, run by the Marmalade Trust, takes place from Monday, 12 June to Sunday, 18 June. It aims to help create supportive communities by encouraging people to have conversations with their family, friends and colleagues about loneliness.

Loneliness can affect anyone of any age and there are many reasons why people could feel lonely including moving to a new area, family or friends not living close by or life changes such as retiring or having a baby.

We, and our partners, arrange activities throughout the year to give residents opportunities to meet new people.

Medway Sport offers a range of senior sport sessions which have been tailored to help older residents keep fit and socialise, including badminton, walking football, short mat bowls, chairfit and boccia. We also offer free swimming for residents aged 60 and above.

From Thursday, 6 July older residents can also take part in free walking cricket sessions with Kent Cricket at Strood Sports Centre between 1-3pm. Tea is included for free, but donations are welcome. Find out more about senior sport sessions.

There are also number of different clubs in Medway for all ages, interests and disabilities. For Medway’s younger residents and families there will also be drop-in sport sessions across Medway throughout the summer where they can try something new. Find out more about the sport on offer in Medway

Our A Better Medway team also run free health walks and cycling groups across Medway.

Medway’s 15 libraries are great places to meet new people and take part in a wide range of clubs. Medway’s libraries host regular free activities for children and families and offer spaces where residents of all ages can socialise and take part in groups including knitting and Lego clubs. Find out more about what is happening in Medway's libraries.

Over the summer, Child-Friendly Medway is delivering free activities and events for Medway’s children, young people and families, including drop-in multi-sport sessions across Medway, story corner and soft play at the Pentagon Shopping Centre, pop-up community story time sessions, Doodle N Draw, Dino Day and the return of Super Saturday. Find out more about Child-Friendly Medway

Medway Youth Service delivers a range of activities, support and opportunities for Medway’s young people aged between 8 – 18, or up to age 25 for those with additional needs. This includes youth clubs at Parkwood Youth Centre (Rainham), Woodlands Youth Centre (Gillingham) The WREC (Chatham) and Strood Youth Centre (Strood) as well as in a number of other community facilities in Medway. Find out more information about these sessions.

Medway Adult Education (MAE) will host a craft session at St Augustine’s in Gillingham on Wednesday, 14 June between 9am and 11am. MAE is also hosting an open day on Saturday, 17 June at the Rochester Centre between 11am and 3pm. There will be pottery demonstrations, family plant pot making, Tai Chi and baby massage as well as wrestling in Eastgate Gardens with UK Pro Wrestling, a free BBQ and face-painting. Come along and find out more about what’s on offer. Find out more about Medway Adult Education.

Jaspers Community Café, on the first floor of the Medway Adult Education Centre in Rochester High Street, hosts a family friendly coffee morning every Monday between 9-11am, a chatty café every Wednesday between 1.30pm and 3pm and a Neuro Café every Friday from 12noon. A chatty café provides a friendly space for people to meet and connect with others and the Neuro Café offers people with neurological conditions a place to meet others in a supportive and relaxed environment. Find out more about Neuro Cafés.

During Loneliness Awareness Week they are holding a Strawberry Tea Dance on Friday, 16 June, between 1pm and 3pm. Booking essential. Find out more about Jaspers Community Café.

McLeods Restaurant at MidKent College in Gillingham hosts a Chatty Café every Tuesday and Thursday morning between 9.30am and 11.30am for residents looking for a friendly environment.

Churches across Medway also host events and clubs for residents, you can find your local church here. All Saints Church in Allhallows is holding a special Chatty Café on Wednesday, 14 June for Loneliness Awareness Week between 10am and 2pm.

A priority in Medway

Cllr Teresa Murray, Deputy Leader of Medway Council and Portfolio Holder for Health and Adults’ Services, said: “Tackling loneliness and social isolation has always been a priority in Medway but since the pandemic it has become even more important. Loneliness can affect residents of all ages and damage their health and wellbeing simply saying hello to someone you pass on the street, at a bus stop or in the supermarket can make a big difference to someone who is feeling lonely. There are lots of opportunities for residents to connect with others and make new friends through local community groups, council initiatives and through faith groups. Together we can tackle loneliness and make all residents in Medway feel more connected.”

Loneliness can affect everybody

Cllr Adam Price, Medway Council’s Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services, said: “It is really important we acknowledge loneliness can affect everybody, regardless of their age. In line with our ambition to make Medway even more child-friendly, we provide a wide range of support, initiatives and activities throughout the year specifically aimed at our younger residents. We want to ensure that there are lots of opportunities for children and young people in Medway to connect with each other, and I would encourage them to see what’s on offer.”

Residents are also being encouraged to take the Medway Together pledge to connect with their local community and help tackle loneliness in Medway. Pledges can be big or small and made by individuals, groups or businesses. You could pledge to say hello to your neighbour, host a coffee morning, or volunteer at a community event.

Find out more information about support groups and advice.

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