Published: Wednesday, 26th June 2024

All postal votes have now been dispatched ahead of the General Election on Thursday, 4 July.

In order for your vote to be counted, we must receive your completed postal vote pack no later than 10pm on Thursday, 4 July.

Returning your postal vote

If you don’t think you will be able to return your completed postal vote in time, it can be dropped off in person on polling day to any polling station in your constituency, or to our Gun Wharf office (Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham, ME4 4TR). You can find your polling station here.

You can hand in your own postal vote, as well as postal votes for up to five other people.

If you decide to hand your completed postal vote pack in person, you will be asked to complete a form including your name, address as well as how many postal votes you are handing in and the reason why you are handing it in on someone else’s behalf.

Replacement postal vote pack

If you are due to be going away and haven’t received your postal vote pack after Thursday, 27 June, you can contact Medway Council’s Election Services team on 01634 332099 to arrange for an emergency replacement pack. You can also arrange an emergency replacement pack if your original postal vote has been lost or damaged.

This replacement pack will need to be collected from our Gun Wharf office from Friday, 28 June.

If you can’t get to Gun Wharf, you can authorise someone else to collect your emergency replacement pack on your behalf. They will need to bring a signed letter from you giving them permission, and must produce photo ID to confirm their identity.

Find out more information about the General Election.

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