Published: Friday, 5th July 2024

We're upgrading back-office systems from 6pm on Sunday 7 July to 8am on Monday 8 July 2024. This will affect some online services.

The following online services will not be available:

Waste and recycling

  • Report missed waste collection
  • Report graffiti or flyposting
  • Report fly-tipping
  • Report problems with a recycling point
  • Apply for assisted waste collection
  • Request recycling bags, sacks, brown organic sacks and waste bins.


  • Request tree maintenance, planning and advice
  • Report unauthorised work on a protected tree
  • Hedge and hedgerow enquiries
  • Apply for a Medway Council allotment
  • Report an issue with Medway Council allotments
  • Report greenspaces, parks and outdoor play areas issues
  • Request ally gate maintenance, advice or information
  • Report environmental issues such as land contamination, light, drainage or asbestos problem
  • Report issues to Environmental Enforcement Team
  • Request street cleaning
  • Report bonfires, burning, air pollution and nuisance odours
  • Report an overgrown garden, or rubbish in a garden
  • Report food poisoning or a food complaint
  • Report noise
  • Report dog fouling or a stray, mistreated, dangerous, missing or found dog
  • Report rats, bees and other pests in a public place.

Traffic and roads

  • Report streetworks, skips or scaffolding
  • Request a disabled parking bay
  • Report road safety and road signage issues
  • Report traffic light or pedestrain crossing issues, request new traffic lights
  • Road salting and salt bin enquiries
  • Report damaged or faulty lamppost, insufficient lighting or festive lighting issues
  • Report gully damage, blocked gully, flood, missing or loose gully cover
  • Report footway, highway maintenance issue or obstruction
  • Report damaged street furniture
  • Request a map of areas, roads or properties in Medway.


  • Report bus shelter vandalism
  • Report bus stop and shelter issues
  • Apply for Medway Mobility.


  • Report an issue with a car park
  • Report a parking enforcement issue.

Licensing and business

  • Report a license incident
  • Report lost property in a taxi
  • Report a taxi accident
  • Apply to register a new food business establishment
  • Apply for a licence to store and sell fireworks.


  • Provisional booking for castles and museum educational visits.


  • General enquiry form.

All other online services and payment will be available.

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